The First Dialogue

May 15, 2015

The First Dialogue

A reading from the Gospel of Saint John 7, 11 – 31

When the Feast of the Tabernacles was already half over, Jesus went up into the temple area and began to teach. The Jews were amazed and said, “How does he know scripture without having studied?” Jesus answered them and said, “My teaching is not my own but is from the one who sent me. Whoever chooses to do his will shall know whether my teaching is from God or whether I speak on my own. Whoever speaks on his own seeks his own glory, but whoever seeks the glory of the one who sent him is truthful, and there is no wrong in him. Did not Moses give you the law? Yet none of you keeps the law. Why are you trying to kill me?” The crowd answered, “You are possessed! Who is trying to kill you?” Jesus answered and said to them, “I performed one work and all of you are amazed because of it. Moses gave you circumcision–not that it came from Moses but rather from the patriarchs–and you circumcise a man on the Sabbath. If a man can receive circumcision on a Sabbath so that the law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry with me because I made a whole person well on a Sabbath? Stop judging by appearances, but judge justly.”
So some of the inhabitants of Jerusalem said, “Is he not the one they are trying to kill? And look, he is speaking openly and they say nothing to him. Could the authorities have realized that he is the Messiah? But we know where he is from. When the Messiah comes, no one will know where he is from.” So Jesus cried out in the temple area as he was teaching and said, “You know me and also know where I am from. Yet I did not come on my own, but the one who sent me, whom you do not know, is true. I know him, because I am from him, and he sent me.” So they tried to arrest him, but no one laid a hand upon him, because his hour had not yet come. But many of the crowd began to believe in him, and said, “When the Messiah comes, will he perform more signs that this man had done.”

We had another beautiful sunny day on Thursday and the temperature came up to 14 degrees Celsius. It will be 18 degrees tomorrow. There is still just a little bit of snow in the woods but in a week it should be all gone. As I wrote yesterday, I still need more money to pay my lawyer. So if anyone can help, I know the Lord will bless you. I hope I will receive the money to build soon.

Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Redeemer given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words,

“Most Jews did not accept My teaching. I hope that you accept all My teachings without a doubt My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters. When I taught the Jews in the temple in Jerusalem, they thought I was possessed. Some of the Jews wanted to kill Me although I had not done anything wrong. Some of them believed that I was the Messiah but many others refused to believe because they knew where I was from. They thought no one would know where the Messiah will come from. I told the people that I was sent by someone and no body knew this person. I was talking about God the Father who sent Me on earth for the salvation of the people. When I told the Jews that I was from the Father and He had sent Me. Then the Jews tried to arrest Me but no one was able to lay hands on Me because My time had not yet come. Again some of the people believed in Me because of all the great signs I had performed in their midst.
My brothers and sisters, do not be like the Jews who refused to believe in Me. Open your hearts and accept Me as your Lord and Savior who loves you and wants to redeem you from sin and bring you with Me in heaven. I bless you all.”

Father Melvin

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The Feast of Tabernacles

May 14, 2015

The Feast of Tabernacles

A reading from the Gospel of Saint John 7, 1 – 13:

After this, Jesus moved about within Galilee: but he did not wish to travel to Judea, because the Jews were trying to kill him. But the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles was near. So his brothers said to him, “Leave here and go to Judea, so that your disciples also may see the works you are doing. No one works in secret if he wants to be known publicly. If you do these things, manifest yourself to the world.” For his brothers did not believe in him. So Jesus said to them, “My time is not yet here, but the time is always right for you. The world cannot hate you, but it hates me, because I testify to it that its works are evil. You go up to the feast. I am not going up to this feast, because my time has not yet been fulfilled.” After he had said this, he stayed on in Galilee.
But when his brothers had gone up to the feast, he himself also went up, not openly but (as it were) in secret. The Jews were looking for him at the feast and saying, “Where is he?” And there were considerable murmuring about him in the crowds. Some said, “He is a good man,” while others said, “No; on the contrary, he misleads the crowd.” Still, no one spoke openly about him because they were afraid of the Jews.

On Wednesday we had a rainy morning but the sun came out in the afternoon and the temperature was great. We should have many days of sunshine until next week. I went to New Brunswick today and I was told that the woman who caused us much trouble is back here again. My lawyer wants some money to be able to stop her from causing any more harm. I will need a few thousand dollars to give the lawyer so he can block everything and she will have to go home. If you can help, I would be very happy indeed.

Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words,

“I bless you My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters who love Me and you know how much I suffered at the hands of the Jews because they wanted to kill Me. For the Feast of Tabernacles I told My brothers that I would not go to Jerusalem but they should go. So they left and went to Jerusalem without Me. After some days I decided to go to Jerusalem for the feast but I went in secret so the Jews would not attack Me. Not all the Jews were against Me. Some said that I was a good man because I cured the sick, drove away the evil one from those possessed and gave sight to the blind. These acts were definitely good and helped many people. Other Jews though said that I was misleading the people by My teaching.
You know, My friends, that everything I said was the truth so that you could follow Me and do the work I told you to do. I want you all to be My followers who believe in Me with all your heart and are not afraid to suffer because you are My followers. I love you all and I bless you.”

Father Melvin

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The Words of Eternal Life

May 13, 2015

The Words of Eternal Life

A reading from the Gospel of Saint John 6, 60 – 71:

Then many of Jesus’ disciples who were listening said, “This saying is hard; who can accept it?” Since Jesus knew that his disciples were murmuring about this, he said to them, “Does this shock you? What if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh is of no avail. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life. But there are some of you who do not believe.” Jesus knew from the beginning the ones who would not believe and the one who would betray him. And he said, “For this reason I have told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by my Father.
As a result of this, many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him. Jesus then said to the Twelve, “Do you also want to leave?” Simon Peter answered him, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.” Jesus answered them, “Did I not choose you twelve? Yet is not one of you a devil?” He was referring to Judas, son of Simon the Iscariot; it was he who would betray him one of the twelve.

We had a cloudy and rainy day. It rained especially in the morning and at times in the afternoon but the sun did not appear today. It was cooler because of the clouds and it just reached 10 Celsius. We will have a bit more rain tomorrow Wednesday but then it will be sunny for the rest of the week. I will have to go to New Brunswick again tomorrow. Join me in praying every day that the money for the building of the shrine and the monasteries will soon arrive. At the moment I again need some money. So if you can help me, I would be very happy indeed. May the Lord bless you all.

Below you will find the message of Our Lord and Savior given to Father Melvin. Jesus spoke to him these words,

“I love you My brother Melvin and all My brothers and sisters who continue to follow Me every day. My desire is that you grow in faith and love every day. From the reading above, you see that many Jews refused to accept my teaching concerning the Bread of Life. Many of them went home and never followed Me again. They did not accept what I taught as true. So this shows that they had never accepted Me as the Messiah, the Savior of the world. The twelve Apostles also had difficulty to accept what I said and when I asked them if they too wanted to leave, Saint Peter told Me these words, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.” These great words of Saint Peter shows his great faith in Me. So all the Apostles continued to follow Me with great faith. Just the same I told the Apostles these words, “Did I not choose you twelve? Yet is not one of you a devil?” Of course I was referring to Judas Iscariot who betrayed Me.
My dear brothers and sisters believe all that I taught you and it is written in the Bible and you will be with me one day in heaven. I bless you all.”

Father Melvin

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