May 03, 2014
Blessing of the Children
A reading from the Gospel of Saint Matthew 19, 13 – 15:
Then children were brought to Jesus that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked them, but Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” After he placed his hands on them, he went away.
We had a beautiful day on Friday, May 2nd, the second day of the month of Mary, the Mother of God. Everything is beginning to wake up. The grass is beginning to turn green, buds are coming on some trees, the water in the ditches is going down and the temperature is slowly going up. Thank you dear Mother Mary.
Below you will find the message of Our Blessed Mother, the Mother of God, given to Father Melvin. She spoke to him these words,
“Love all the children My son Melvin and all My sons and daughters spread throughout the world. I am a Mother and I love the children with all My heart. Children are the greatest gift of God given to parents. They should welcome every child as if they were welcoming Jesus.
You know that every child is created by the Father who gives each child a soul that will never die. He gives the child to parents who will take care of His child and love that child just as much as He loves the child. Every child is called to heaven one day so that the boy or girl may find eternal happiness with God the Father, with My Son Jesus and with the Holy Spirit. Every child has been sent on earth by God for a very important purpose and we have to do all we can so that what God asked may be accomplished. There is a child in the womb of the mother from the moment of conception and no one has the right to kill this child of God. This child should be loved from the moment of his or her conception.
Pray My dear sons and daughters that the killing of infants (abortions) will stop soon and let each child be born to carry out the calling that God has giving each one of them. I tell you with tears in My eyes that abortion is murder, the killing of a small child who has the right to life. If anybody kills an unborn child, that person will pay dearly for this murder. Parents are to love every one of their children and I am your example. I love My Son Jesus with all My Heart and Saint Joseph, My Husband, love Him dearly too. I bless you all and I am praying for you all the time.”
Father Melvin
P.S. If you ever hear of someone who wishes to abort her child, please pray for that person that she keeps her child and give birth to the gift of God. One day a woman who was pregnant came to see me crying because the doctor had told her that her child would be born with water on the brain and so the head would be very large. The doctor had told her to have an abortion. She refused his suggestion and told the doctor not to talk to her about that again. I prayed for this baby and three months afterwards the baby was born completely normal with no water on the brain. Thank you Lord for your great kindness for this child.