Dear friends,
Jean-Marie Pelletier, aged 79, is a devout Catholic who receivesmessages of great spiritual insight. Many people have benefited from theinner light that these messages has brought them.
Jesus spoke him a few times about Father Melvin Doucette, who agrees that these messages be published. The first was received on September 8, 2012. Interestingly enough, Mr. Pelletier was unaware that this is the day we celebrate the Feast of the Nativity of Mary and the Feastof Our Lady of Prince Edward Island.
I have sent you that message already, but as English is not my mother tongue, I was not satisfied with my translation. So here is a revised version of that text. Afterwards, I will publish the following messages (four, up to now) one by one.
May the Lady of PEI give you Her love and protection!
Roger Fiset
Jesus about Father Melvin – Message 1
(received on Saturday, September 8, 2012)
Man whose heart was pierced by a sword, from your injury came out streams of living waters, which cannot stop even in the midst of allconstraints on your desires.
This thirst that you feel is freshness for your soul, and source of hope for the conquest of souls.
Your heart, despite the transparent armor that protects its fragility, was torn by men animated by a spirit foreign to My Love.
But the flame that rises from your heart will never die in this world, nor in My Heavenly Universe. You are the star that shines among men, and Ithe Lord, thy God, I remain with you.
Do not let die the fire of the Love of My Sacred Heart in your heart; may the faith in your God remain in your heart.
Your dreams are not your dreams, but realities for your God.
Your soul sings to your Lord. Fear not, I have made thy soul a marvel.
Climbing mountains can be done only by the greatness of the loveyou have for your God.
Thank you, Jesus.
Reading: Acts of the Apostles 6.1-16
Jean-Marie Pelletier
Cenacle of the Love Nest of the Sacred Heart
(Maison Jésus-Ouvrier, Quebec City)