Wonderful healings that occurred on the first year of the Little Shrine

Wonderful healings that occurred on the first year of the Little Shrine

          You will find below a list of wonderful healings that occurred in 2004,the first year of the Little Shrine (then called the “Prayer Room”). These testimonies were reported to Father Melvin Doucette by Jean-Claude Papin,who then organized pilgrimages to Prince Edward Island for people from the province of Québec.

Healing of an inflamed big toe (bunion)

          I attended a Healing Mass in the afternoon of July 8, in the Prayer Room of Our Lady of Prince Edward Island. The next day, I felt better. I had a big onion on the right foot which caused me pain and throbbing, and also I had pain under the right foot. The onion hurt a lot. Pain in my right foot made me limp at times.
Once back home, I waited a week before telling my husband that I washealed and that I had no pain anymore. It’s been two weeks now that I am well. Already during the return trip, I had realized that I had less troublegetting off the bus at stops. Healing was progressive and very quickly Irealized that I was completely healed. Thank you, Our Lady
Berthe P., July 26, 2004

Healing of chronic pain in coccyx

          15 years ago, I was hurt in the tailbone because I had fallen on the icy steps of stairs at my workplace. Since then, I always had some pain (for example, when I laid in my lazy-boy and tried to get up, I felt acute pain). Since my pilgrimage to Prince Edward Island two months ago, the pain has disappeared. I did not realize immediately the healing, but now I must say it is obvious: I have no pain anymore. Thank you, Mother Mary.
Claire B., July 26, 2004

Healing of back pain

          A week before leaving for a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Prince Edward Island in Tignish (PEI), organized by Jean-Claude Papin, I began to have a real back pain, which radiated into the left shoulder and was burning like fire, night and day, even if I took sedatives and painkillers. It was so painful I was afraid of not being able to make the trip. Fortunately a few days before departure, the pain began to decline (but it did not stop completely throughout the pilgrimage). I also suffered from high blood pressure. For three months, a doctor had tried three kinds of medications without good results, because of side effects (palpitations, muscle pain, leg cramps, severe fatigue).
The day after the trip, or rather the “pilgrimage”, I returned to my doctor because I felt extreme fatigue. He prescribed a fourth medication, but back home, I decided that I had enough, that all this made me really sick and I had to stop these medications. I went to the pharmacy and, instead, I took natural products to compensate for all the minerals I lost in urine. The next day, I started to feel better.
I phoned my son and his wife to tell them that I believe the Holy Virgin of Prince Edward Island really played a role in all this. Since my pilgrimage, in fact, I recovered my strength, cramps and pains are gone and I feel better, as my blood pressure has dropped.
I also think that the Blessed Virgin gave me a sign of that healing, by this coincidence: after calling the good Father Melvin Doucette (who has apparitions of Our Lady of Prince Edward Island), five minutes later it was Jean-Claude Papin who phoned me to hear from me. Of course I told him of my healing! As a holy Jesuit priest has said: “There are no coincidences: only moments where God goes incognito!”
In the meantime, I thank with all my heart Our Lady of Prince Edward Island, the always good and holy Virgin Mary, and our dedicated Jean-Claude Papin and his team, who organize pilgrimages with so much patience, kindness, honesty and piety. I wish wholeheartedly that the Blessed Virgin Mary bless them and give them a good health to continue these pilgrimages that give courage to walk the path of life.
Angéline (Evangéline Duguay), July 26, 2004

Emotional healing, with a vision

          During his talk about Our Lady of Prince Edward Island, Father Melvinspoke of Mary holding in her arms the Child Jesus, who is about 2 years old.I had an inner healing from the cradle to the age of 2 years. When I was anointed with Holy Oil blessed by Mary, I fell right away into the rest of the Spirit. My heart was throbbing, and I had a long, progressive healing […] I amin the process of emotional healing. Since then, every emotion I experience, Ifeel it in my heart and I offer it to Jesus who now lives with his presence andis always there with me.
During his talk about the art of contemplative prayer, Father Melvinexplained the nature of that prayer, which lasts half an hour. When he saidthat we can see three rivers before us, I saw the central river, and in that riverI saw a beautiful red heart and a light white veil that Jesus wore on his shoulders. It is a vision I saw in my heart. Thank you for everything, my good Mother.
Louise L.

Cure of a problem of water retention

Bécancour, July 20, 2004

Dear Father Melvin,
I give you news concerning my problem of water retention. Usuallyevery night my feet, ankles, legs were very swollen. The swelling spreadeverywhere and I had difficulty urinating. Now I urinate easily, and my feet, ankles, legs present almost no swelling. I think that this problem will disappear completely. I thank the Lord Jesus and the Blessed Virgin – and you too for your good prayers – because healing will be complete soon.Through your hands, these are the hands of Jesus that heal. I thank Jesus and Mary for the gifts and the great graces they gave you, and we pray for all
your intentions.
My husband Bruno has prostate cancer, but we believe in his healing.This will confirmed by the blood test he will have on his next appointment,August 19 (2004) 10:00. We pray that your mission is fulfilled as soon as possible for your community and we thank you.
Jeannine Fréchette

Editing and translation: RF
Sunday, October 7, 2012

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