Visit to Lourdes, France

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Visit to Lourdes, France

Dear Friends,

On September 12 in the morning we left by bus from Nevers, France, and traveled to Lourdes, France. It was a great joy for me to visit this holy place for the third time. The first day I concelebrated Holy Mass at the Grotto where St. Bernadette saw the Blessed Virgin Mary. We joined an Irish group for Mass and an Irish Bishop was the main celebrant. I visited the various churches of Lourdes the first day and prayed in them all. There were many people at this holy place when we were there.

On the second day in Lourdes, I celebrated Holy Mass in the older church and I spent some time in prayer afterwards. I was before the statue of Our Blessed Mother dressed as St. Bernadette saw Her. Our Lady spoke to me at that place in these words,

“I love you, My son Melvin, and I pray for you every day. I told Bernadette when she asked for My name that I was the Immaculate Conception, which means that I am the one conceived without original sin. The Father had already chosen Me as the Mother of His Son, Jesus. I had been chosen from the beginning of the world.

I came to visit Bernadette to call the people of the world to return to My Son Jesus, their Savior, and to call them to prayer. Today through you, My son Melvin, I call you all who believe to pray with all your heart for the conversion of all unbelievers especially those that live in France. As your Mother, I desire that every one of My sons and daughters will be with Me one day in heaven.

My son Melvin, do not worry about the future. The time has arrived for you to receive the money to begin the building of the Monasteries. Many are waiting to enter the Contemplative Brothers of Jesus and the Contemplative Sisters of Jesus. In time you will begin the building of the Shrine in My honor as I asked you in the past. You will be provided with all you need. It is a great joy to Me that My Son, Jesus, has healed you of your sickness. So now you can give more time to My plans for the future.

I bless you and I fill you with My love and peace.”

Father Melvin

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